Saturday, July 14, 2007

Taos Pueblo Hosts Pow Wow

This POW WOW was an incredible experience. I met Greg & Marge, who live in the 4 Corners area. Greg is a Mohawk and Marge is a Ute. Marge has her own show on the 4 Corners public radio station. Very interesting people, and Greg was kind enough to explain all the ceremonies behind the POW WOW. These photos are from the "opening ceremonies" held Sat and Sun - a parade, of all tribes, to present themselves in their native regalia.

Friday night's opening ceremonies and Entrance were rain delayed and then postponed to protect the fantastic and beautiful outwear worn by the participants.

The rest of the story is that later that week, following the POW WOW, I was walking into my favorite WiFi Coffee shop on the northside of town, when this young man walks out, and I realize it's the young man who so mesmerized me with his attitude, his dancing, and in general, his energy. He also looks like Max's friend Scott's oldest brother, Kevin. Anyway, he said hello, and that his name is Jack. And he lives on the Pueblo and works in town. He's the one in the top photo.