Monday, February 18, 2008

It's 2008!

It's 2008! And none too soon! I found 2007 to be an exciting, trying, amazing year!

I worked in Taos, NM; Albuquerque, NM; Santa Fe, NM; Snowmass, CO and Las Vegas, NV.

Max visited me in Snowmass in December, I spent New Year's Eve in Aspen with Paula, pictured with me at the St. Regis Hotel, where her husband Chris and his band were the featured attraction! And they are a great jazz band! I visited Florida in early January....and none too soon, after the 20 below weather we had in Snowmass, as well as the many feet of snow that had already fallen! Great for the ski business! Even Sage, the beautiful yellow lab I'm staying with wouldn't walk in the 20 below weather!

January found me working in Florida and having the opportunity to visit Max in Orlando and my mom in West Palm Beach, as well as friends in Sarasota, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, and Naples. I had a blast! The sunset photo is in Ft. Lauderdale. My great and long time friend, Tari, (from 5th grade!!) were out and about in her golf cart, cruising her 'hood, and this is what we saw.....just another night in paradise!

Max's dog, Hurley, is shown here......he's just a great dog, and just turned a year old.