Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday, Nov 17 - A visit to the Taos Pueblo & Mable Dodge Luhan House

I've been photographing what I consider the quirky, unusual landmarks that I pass when walking along Kit Carson Road into town this week. So I thought I'd post them for you to view, too.

We've got the mermaids and angel on the wall on Morado Road, which leads back and stops at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House.

The Buffalo is the entrance centerpiece at the Adobe Wall Inn on Kit Carson Road. And the bell tower in the home on the corner of Morado and Kit Carson Road.

Today I was drawn to the Mable Dodge Luhan House & the Taos Pueblo - no camera, just wanted to BE at the Pueblo with the residents. Paid my admission fee, spoke to Carpio, the first Indian I met, who showed me the walking stick he had carved - an eagle's head was at the top - he was just completing the finishing touches. Beautiful!

I sat by the stream that comes from Blue Lake, the lake on Wheeler Peak held sacred by the Tewa tribe who inhabit the Taos Pueblo. This is the Pueblo's only source of fresh water. The energy here is powerful and the Pueblo structures are just beautiful. Amazing to think that the structures, or portions of them, have been there for 1000 years, at the foot of Taos Mountain. The photo shows a Historic Marker that features the Taos Pueblo at the bottom, for those who have not seen photos, drawings, or paintings of this historic Taos landmark. Or you can see the pueblo at

I've been reading a fascinating book, "Edge of Taos Desert, An Escape to Reality" by Mabel Dodge Luhan, a woman who relocated to Taos from New York City in 1917, met and married Tony Luhan, a Taos Pueblo Indian. So I guess her "memoirs" of her first 9 months in Taos have stirred something in me, creating a desire to BE both on the land that Tony lived on at the Pueblo, as well as the property just east of the Pueblo that he suggested she purchase, and on which they built the home that stands today and serves as a bed and breakfast/conference center. You can see photos of this beautiful home at

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