Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday, Nov 6 - It's all about the apples!

Ok, now for those of you who know me well, don't fall over, but I MADE THIS APPLE PIE myself!!!

And I'm not really a "pie person" - but I couldn't resist the opportunity to create something from scratch. I remember peeling apples (I think I helped peel, I don't know, maybe I just watched my grandpa peeling the apples) when I went to Indian Lake to see my Grandma and Grandpa. She's in the picture with me, my mom, my sister Kim and her daughter Meghan (beautiful one with glasses) and my youngest sister, Emmie ( behind me), and her two girls, beautiful dark haired Samantha and our gorgeous resident redhead, Alexandra. Grandma still makes awesome pies!! And so does my Mom. And so does Emmie. Kim may be a great pie maker, too, but I don't know first bite, so to speak! Kim, let us know if you are a pie maker!

Ok, I didn't pick the apples, true! They are Black Arkansas apples - I've never heard of them, but boy, oh boy, are they wonderful! But, I peeled them, sliced them, de-wormed them, stirred them with cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg, made the crust, rolled it, (and again for those of you who know me, I actually got to use a rolling pin, not a Belvedere Vodka bottle from the freezer!) put the pie together, the whole 9 yards!

I think the top is a little more brown than usual, but..... at least we didn't set off the smoke alarms!

But Gail is a pie person, and she gave it the taste test, and rewarded me by eating the entire slice! She said it was an excellent first pie! Apple pie was my dad's favorite pie!

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